Olive harvest 2017

The first two weekends of November we harvested the olives for the first time on the Pianacci!

When we bought the land in 2015, we could barely recognize the olive trees in the midst of all kind of bushes; the land hadn’t been worked on for more than a decade and nature graduately had taken over. Luckily we got the permit to start exploiting the land again. We started to cut down the wild bushes and discovered a lot of nice olive trees that urgently needed some light and air! The trees received the necessary trimming and got used to their new situation in 2016.

Nonetheless the drought we had this year, our olive trees did very well and gave us a nice harvest; we picked around 1000kg olives on 160 smaller and bigger plants. Good for about 250l extra vergin olive oil.

Luckily we finished harvesting just in time, less than 12 hours later it started snowing!